Best of Reaktor User Library january 2.015


by Joey Valizan

Pasted Graphic 2

This granular effect (a 4 voice glissando granulizer) takes the incoming audio input and detects if it reaches a peak (). If so it triggers a granular time-stretch starting at that peak with the corresponding grain length and period between grains. Use the Release, Threshold and Sensitivity to fine tune where these triggers take place. In Panel A you will see a simplified view of the effect; only knobs, sliders and buttons for the left side of the effect will be present. The Left side acts as the master side and its corresponding values are sent to the right. Switch to Panel B to see a more intricate display of the effect. Here both the left and right side are shown and specific changes can be made to the right side by making them after you change the left (note: changes to that side will revert the right to its slave position). At this point you will see that the varied left and right side will play only on their relative stereo point. Use the Pan Shift to change each sides corresponding value: 1 will be send them to their default placement, 0 will make the signal 'mono' and -1 will invert their sides. Try to -0.5 or 0.5 for mixed stereo.


WonderEcho 2.3
by Jochen Frehse

Pasted Graphic 1

Kaleidoscopic Wondersound.
Welcome to Stereo-Wonderland.

Input button behaviour changed / No more "on-off" / Corrected wrong bi-directional setup between filter knobs on the right side / Presets updated and added + mini Bitwig project with drums and WonderE. slapped on the master-bus.. I hope it will load up alright.
(If you come up with some nice presets, chorus/widening/whatever..please share.)
-Improved internal operation.
-New Y mod-target: PeakEQ-gain.(to "stab")
-Smooth input-button (fading feedback when turned off.)
-Added mix-knob to filter and saturation.
-Saturation was too sensitive. The ensemble can now handle all levels well...resulting in better sound.
-GUI improved - Knob handling optimized.
-CPU-stress: Low.
-New effect: Phorus. ;)
-50 new/redone Presets.
(Please check out the showcase-ensemble (grab play) and also the sound-design presets)
Reaktor 5.9.2 - Knobman/Skinman



Expressive Geetar 1.1.a MOD
by Lars Bo Hermansen

Some expressive Snapshots of mine using eg velocity and aftertouch
for Geetar 1.1.a MOD
Physical model plucked strings with pitch compensation.
by yerry feldstein.


Monark Snapshots
by Lars Bo Hermansen

50 Monark snapshots for variant music.



Carbon 4 4.04
by APH

Pasted Graphic 1

Bézier Scaler, Step Sequencer, New Interface, 170+ Snaps

This ensemble replaces my modification of Mike Daliot’s famous Carbon synthesizer. As with the last version: The name of the ensemble should not be taken too earnest ... we are still waiting for a Carbon 3 synthesizer in the Reaktor Library, isn’t it? The update is mainly directed to improving the technical features of the instrument. The new features are in detail:

(1) Cubic Bézier scaler for the macro controls with variable quantization step size and different modes for value change smoothing. The Bézier curve is defined by four control points. When the scaler is reset to identity transformation, the two off-curve points can be "drawn" out of the on-curve points at the corners of the coordinates field.

(2) Two monophonic step sequencers (with unipolar and bipolar step value assignment modes and copy, paste, clear and randomize options), synchronized to the global MIDI clock and available as modulation sources.

(3) Smaller improvements of the low frequency oscillators, different noise types in the oscillator section, self activating oscilloscope, custom parameter names for DAW automation, virtual keyboard.

(4) Streamlined user interface, with A and B view. Switch to B view (using a right click anywhere on the panel) to hide the keyboard!

The Bézier scalers were primarily designed for the use with MIDI breath controllers such as the EWI. But they are also useful in connection with other hardware. Assign the same MIDI source (such as a knob) to different macro controls, adjust the respective Bézier curves, and you will be able to change different parameters of the synthesizer in a fairly complex way by a single turn of the hand.

As the update is directed to the technical side of the instrument, the snapshot library has grown less than it is to be expected with a new upload. I know people like new snaps, so please excuse this. You will find all of my snapshots from the previous version rebuilt for the current one as well as some new snaps showing the features I was writing about. Listen to the audio files to get a first impression. By the way, when selecting snaps from the "APH Run MIDI Clock" bank, please make sure that, well, the MIDI clock is running. Quite self explaining ...


crack baby 808
by Matthias Shaffner

Pasted Graphic

808 style kick and snare, a noise-crack-clap and a hihat with autoplay

The speed of the hihat can be adjusted with the modwheel (clock has to be running)
Below the decay knob of the hihat are two small fields for amount and speed of randomization of the decay.

New Version (808):
After watching the tutorial by flipmu ( ) and downloading the 808 drum modules from Phuturesqu I made a more realistic simulation of kick and snare, and also included the original 808 noise and impulses from Phuturesqu. The little 808 switches switch between those and the basic Reaktor sound.

very basic and low on CPU

v1.1: some small final changes (...lowpass on kick to avoid strong click in 808-mode), a few basic snaps
v1.2: bugfixing the Clap - randomisation of crackles can be adjusted on B-Panel... and no more phasing when playing SNR+CRK


Infrastructure 1.1.1
by mosaic_

Pasted Graphic

*A major update!* A critical bugfix and a few new features!

This is a fairly simple synth with a versatile oscillator section and a characterful filter. A spreadable saw, a variable-width pulse, a smooth sub oscillator, and a filtered noise source are sent through a saturated feedback filter. Envelopes, LFOs, and various expression controls are available to modulate and morph the sound. Then the output is routed to a warming distortion, a stereo chorus, a feedback delay and a lush reverb.

Over 120 snapshots are included: mostly basses, leads, and pads, with a few other sounds thrown in as well. And a simple, clear layout makes it easy for you to create your own sounds. Enjoy!

1.0.5: initial release
1.0.6: added voice panning, fixed a few GUI bugs (existing snapshots are still compatible)
1.0.7: reduced clicking when when velocity decreases between two notes in Mono and Unison modes
1.1.1: fixed delay timing bug, added 35 new snapshots, added subtraction mode for band-reject/inverted filter responses, added extra 2-pole lowpass available on filter, and added increased spread options for saw oscillator


metaphysical function k 1.3.2
by aomb k

Pasted Graphic 4

10 years anniversary edition by aombk

in this version, parameters are controlled by LFOs, 30 in total

LFOs are controlled by modulation center, modulation range, modulation frequency and modulation smoothing parameters and they modulate using random, sine, triangular, pulse, saw up and saw down functions

there is also a global LFO frequency, smoothing and type setting

the randomize button is your friend

this ensemble is packed with 36 old school funk drum loops


by Jan Brähler

Pasted Graphic 3

'Sedna' produces cold atmospheres. It periodically morphes between two freehand fft-noisespectra with a lfo.

Controls: 2 freehand multitables to draw the spectrum inside, two table select/crossfade faders, lfo speed, lfo shape, color (high frequency damping), compression, volume, stereo-width.
